Monday, May 21, 2012


Thank goodness for a camera phone right!?! Here are a few pictures from lately.

 Boys and their toys....
 He is getting very brave! This was just one of the many stunts he has under his belt now.
 I had a sweet lunch date this week with this adorable munchkin! She is beautiful just like her mommy.
 "Look Mom, I am a monkey!"
 Dear husband, we have a walk in closet with a large shoe shelf. Please utilize it. This is unnecessary!
 Our first swim of the year. We still have the floaties :( Amazing that a child who will stand on the seat of a four wheeler while driving is terrified to swim. I am hoping swimming lessons will conquer this fear this summer.

So a few months ago we had water leak that just so happened to occur RIGHT above my desk at work. We ended up having to strip the walls and while we are waiting on the new wallpaper we decided to have a little fun with the walls......with the bosses permission of course. This is sidewalk chalk and three women acting like 5 year olds

 She was the MOST excited. She is responsible for most of the wall art.

Look how big my Cami is! She is the sweetest cat.

Lastly as most of you know the world lost a precious angel last week. I never had the opportunity to meet sweet Ava but I have followed her story for over a year and like most of you we feel as though we have been on this journey with her. I can't and won't even try to begin to know what it must feel like to lose a child. I hope I never have to know that feeling. It is amazing how a child you never met can make such an impact on your life and steal a piece of your heart. The moment I learned of her passing, I wept for a while. I then went and got Colby out of his bed and put him into mine and held him till I found rest. Thank you God for sharing such a precious gift with us, even if it was just for a little while. She changed my outlook on life forever and I will never be the same. Wrap your arms around her family and give them the peace and comfort that only you can. We often want to ask why. It is our nature and we know that you understand that. What I do know is that there is a reason and purpose for everything that happens even if it isn't to our own understanding. Just the impact that she has made on so many lives is evidence that her life served a purpose. Thank you Paige for sharing Ava's life so openly with us these past few years. May we not fail you to pray for you and your family each and every day.

Such a beautiful blessing.

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