Monday, July 25, 2011


I absolutey love reading some of my friends blogs. I have always wanted to do it but since my phone always has been able to do the same thing my computer did, we got rid of our desktop a few years back. Speed to the present, my parents got an awesome new computer and I thought this would be an easy escape every few weeks for me to come here and type a little. Excuse my gramar because my phone fixes all my mistakes. I forgot what its like to actually have to type your own punctuation. So I will start in the beginning..... or life after a child which all mothers know is really the beginning. My pregnancy was a very easy one minus the heartburn and swealtering Mississippi heat. At 38 weeks due to a slight case of toximia, my doctor decided to go ahead and take Colby via C Section. I have never been that scared in my life. There was an exit sign in my room and I remember VIVIDLY staring at it wondering if anyone would notice if I escaped. After 5 trys at a spinal tap, we finally were on our way as as my doctor said "his second favorite cheese" was on his way out! Weighing in at 7 lbs and 3 oz, Colby Owen Mills entered the world and my life would never be the same.

The next part takes a turn for the TERRIBLE. My doctor (the best doctor in the world Dr. Desantis) was out of town for my departure so another doctor that I won't name dismissed me running a low grade fever and feeling a little less than ordinary. I had just had a baby and didn't know what normal was supposed to feel like. My second night home was full of freezing then burning up..... then back to freezing.... then back to burning up. My mom took me to the ER the next day where I was diagnosed with a UTI. Upon asking how they determined that, they said they tested my urine. We found that very alarming being I HAD NOT EVEN GIVEN THEM A SAMPLE YET. At this pont I asked to go home and wait till the next day when my doctor arrived back. Once he saw me, I was immediately admitted to the hospital and back in the operating room. He returned to the waiting room to tell my husband and mother that I had a very severe staph infection in my C Section and that they did what they could but that I would be put on a womb vac machine and given 2 of the strongest antibiotics they had and hope for the best. The worst part..... I couldn't see my child. This is where it gets rough. Those days spent in the hospital staring at a picture of my child knowing someone else was feeding him, rocking him, stealing sugar from him while all I could do was stare at his picture was gutting. I have to say I have the best mother in the entire world. She was up with a newborn all night and then at the hospital with me all day. I could never convey to her how grateful I was to her during that time. I wanted my momma with me at all times. Poor Jason made the hospital couch his bed for the next 2 weeks. I will spare the details of the painful things I had to endure while there but lets just say imagine super gluing seran wrap to your belly and ripping it off once a day..... yea..... not fun. Cut to 2 and a half weeks later....... home health approved me to go home on a portable womb vac machine which I carried around with me at all times and they would come daily to change it and eventually teach Jason how to do it. I was finally home with my baby. Then when you think things are looking up, I suddenly couldn't walk on my left leg. I alerted my home health nurse who then called my doctor. Well guess what...... I had three blood clots in my leg. Hello hospital for 2 more weeks. We were upgraded to a suite and Jason got his own bed this time. Colby was finally allowed to come see me for a few hours a day every other day and that made this stay a little better but still extremely scary. I was scared to go to sleep at night for fear I wouldn't wake up. My baby was 2 months old when I finally was able to come home. I missed so much. I was worried he wouldn't know who I was. I was totally wrong. He has been attached to me ever since! Many of you may know Linda Goff. She was a fine woman and I miss her every day. During my high school years she taught me bible drill at church. She taught me Jesus was my best friend and that He would never forsake us. Laying in that hospital bed feeling in complete despair and helpless, all those Bible verses came flooding back to me. I will always be grateful to her for that. How people go through tragedy without knowing Christ as their Savior is beyond me. I prayed, I quoted scripture, I prayed somemore. Jason became my primary caregiver at the point. He had to give me a shot everyday and change the padding on my stomach. We learned just how much we loved each other during this time. He loves to joke and tell everyone he has seen my insides. Gross.... anywho I will let the next few pics speak for themself!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, I am so excited about this blog! I'm a tad addicted to the blogging world;) What an amazing story. Gave me chills. I look forward to keeping up with the Mills!
