Sunday, July 29, 2012

One word.... Patience

Yesterday in my daily devotion I read this verse:

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying" Romans 12:12

Doesn't the word patience immediately make you uneasy? I know it does me. It churns something deep down in my stomach.  I am having a hard time finding the patience even writing this blog right now with Colby traumatizing the poor cat as well as everyone else in this house. We live in a right now kind of world and patience is a virtue lost on most people including myself. To be patient in the best of circumstances is hard enough so to be patient in TROUBLE feels almost impossible right. I was taught at an early age to never pray for patience. It was almost a grounded rule such as clean your plate and brush your teeth.

After reading this verse this week, I immediately stopped and re read the verse. Praying and Patience in the same sentence? Really? How can we get patience in times of trouble? First we rejoice in our confident hope. That really goes back to my last blog. It is hard to rejoice in times of trouble but when we do, we find a peace that honestly does pass all understanding. We are renewed in our hope that God holds our futures and we know that He is in control.

I have found especially recently that in times of trouble the best place to find yourself is on your knees bathed in prayer. Sometimes when we find ourselves in trouble we find it easier to shut out the world, shut out people and ultimately shut out God. We try to fix things ourselves, just throw our hands in the air and give up or take our own path rather than search out what God would have us to do. The verse tells us that in order to be patient in times of trouble we must keep on praying. When we find our self in constant communication with God, our problems may not go away but the burden that comes with them will lighten.

So although you may not pray directly for patience in times of trouble, it is important to not cease praying for your troubles. Thank God for them, ask God to help you to work in HIS time and not your own, and as the verse says Keep on Praying. We must also not fail to continue to pray for each other. We never know what others are going through so even if it is a smile, a friendly gesture or a quick prayer, go out of your way this week to show God's love to someone. It may make all the difference in the world to them.

"Lord even know amidst all the chaos that surrounds me, I thank you. Thank you for the hope, the peace and the understanding that You give me. Even now I ask that you help me rest in your peace, calm my anxiety and help me to trust in YOUR timing and not my own. May I find myself in constant communication with You, even if it is just whispering your name in a moment of weakness."

Monday, July 23, 2012

A little STAY-cation

I decided to take a few days off to spend some time at home and with my family being Colby will start big school in a very short 2 weeks. I needed it very much!I would have liked to take a vacation somewhere tropical but decided to do several fun things around here with him instead.

Friday I took Colby and his friend Blair to the children's museum in Gulfport. Although the one in Jackson is better to me, we still had a fun time. Here are a few pics from the day.

 Take 1....
 Take 2
 Colby as a Conductor....
 Blair fishing for crabs
 I don't think this one even needs a caption
 They had a "little" grocery store that the kids could either work or shop at. Colby did both.
 Checking out his items
 Learning how to be on camera
 Watching themselves on camera....
 He was pictured out at this point
 To say Blair hates to take a picture is an understatement so when she actually asked me to take this one I jumped right on it!
 The rain held off long enough for us to play on the beach for a bit.
 Wish I could run in the sand like that....
 Cheese.... not sure what this pose is
 The above and following are completely unscripted....

 Isn't that sweet? Colby gets on Blair's nerves but she still loves him.
 Their attempt at "Don't get your clothes wet"
 I think Paige would legally claim her if she could...

 Man I love that kid
 I think he may love me a little too...
He gives her a hard time but don't they say boys are only mean to you if they really like you?

Saturday we awoke to a limb the size of a tree laying across our entire front yard. This was not how we planned to spend our Saturday but what are ya gonna do right.... It ended up being a learning experience. I got 3 hours of skill on a hand saw while Jason did the same with a chain saw. Thankfully we had a neighbor come by and offer to help us finish up. He was a life saver. 1000 calories shed later, we were able to continue with our regular Saturday plans. We took Colby to Jackson. Since we were late leaving we didn't get to take him to the museum there but we did do a little shopping. He loves the "fish store" so we spent the bulk of our time at Bass Pro.

Can you believe he starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks? Neither can I. I know we all as parents say this but realistically....where did the time go?

Today I am having a ME day starting with sleeping late, a little laundry, a massage and a pedicure. Who said you have to go anywhere on vacation anyways?

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ok God I hear ya part 2.....

"Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite content with my weakness and with insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

I came across this verse today and read it....then I re read it. Go ahead.....go back and re read it. Ever looked for peace, prayed for peace, pleaded for peace? Sometimes life is great and other times life is hard. It is easy to question "Why?" I think its how we react in our trials that truly show our faithfulness. It's hard to thank God for our trials even though it's what he has commanded us to do. That peace and contentment we seek during trials of life isn't found in our strength but in our weakness. Look back at the verse....for when we are weak, He is strong. We run in his strength not our own. Once we fully grasp that, we can be content in our weakness because we aren't relying on our self....we can't make it on our own.

So whats my point you say? What a testimony it is to show God's love, God's forgiveness, God's mercy, God's grace and finally God's strength in how we react during difficult times. We are human. We hurt. We are broken. The great thing is God created us that way. He gets it! He understands it. What does anxiety over the uncontrollable accomplish other than wear us down, tear us apart, cripple our relationship with others and with Christ? We all are going through something whether it be public knowledge or a private pain. Thank God for your trials. Take the burden off of yourself and give it to the very one who can give you that peace. Make others ask "How are they dealing with this with such peace...something is different about them?" Let them see Jesus in you. Does that mean that you won't still hurt, worry or have anxiety? Not at all. It is our nature to hurt, to worry and to be anxious.  Find your peace and your contentment in your weakness. You will find yourself a better person, a fulfilled person, a person who understands whats worth worrying about and what isn't. You will find a new meaning to "Don't sweat the small stuff" because small agitations, aggravations and anxieties of this world are truly not worth your energy. I needed this verse today. It spoke to me so much that I just had to share it. The difference between having faith and being faithful is this. Anyone can claim to be anything. I can tell you that I am a duck all day long but by the way I look and act you are very well aware that I am NOT in fact a duck. Your actions truly define who you are. We have to faithfully decide to allow God to guide our feet, our hands, our minds and our hearts-despite what our human reactions want to think.

"God thank you for my trials for by them my faith is tested, my strength is recharged, and I see your hand at work in my life more than ever. May I bring only honor to you in how I react to my trials. May I rest in your comfort, your peace and find contentment in the midst of my storms."

I hope this has spoken to you as well today. Feel free to share it as well.