I don't know why but a $50 bill unnerves me. If we get them at work I try to quickly give them back out. I know it spends just as good as anything else but like I said, I'm weird.
I can't be the only person who suffers from a household who can't seem to change this out. It irritates me. As Colby would say Mom that's just your job. Sigh...
When men created automobiles they created this amazing contraption called a blinker. Unfortunately for the mass population of people I tend to get behind, they fail to use it. It serves a purpose folks. Use it!
I am a woman and we have been known to make mountains out of mole hills but if I get a short answer text I automatically assume your mad at me. How about an okie dokie, alrighty, 10-4, sure thing..... Not just a "K". I'm worth more than a K. If you ever get a K from me, I intended it to be one ;-)
This is more of a soap box rather than an irritant but God blessed you with such a special gift as a child, put their hiney in a car seat. Working with the public we see more kids, infants, toddlers OUT of carseats more than in them. Most vehicles actually have one in the car,so there isn't an excuse of I can't afford one. Pure laziness at your child's expense.
Colby Owen Mills can't find a trash can to save his life. Candy wrappers, honey bun wrappers, napkins etc. on the floor really get my blood pressure up. I can just look at him and he knows the best thing he could do would be to pick it up. Mommy isn't playing. Yet he does it everytime.
Ok I'm not bashing extreme couponers out there so don't take this one the wrong way. What irritates me is getting behind them in line at the grocery store. There should be a designated line for that. Plain and simple. Check outs with kids are irritating enough having to hear "can I just please have some m&m's and that sucker and the pack of gum...and a drink" so that just prolongs my misery.
I would do anything to put this sign up at work! Either people fail to realize we can hear their entire conversation or they blatantly don't care. I don't have magical mind reading capabilities so in order for me to correctly help you, I'm going to need to converse with you, and I don't want to be told with your pointer finger to hold on a second while you finish your conversation.
Lindsey Lohan. Get it together girl. I loved mean girls. You were fetch. Your talented with so much potential. Stop acting like an idiot and then getting upset when your held accountable for it. Grow up.
Give God enough credit to give his name a capital G. He deserves it.
Anyone else find when your in a hurry you will catch every single red light but when you could use one to send a text or play a word on words with friends you can't catch one!?!
Seems like I catch my favorite song as its going off or as I'm having to get out of the car.
I'm convinced the devil made Oreos. Once I start you might as well give me the whole bag with a glass of milk. Then half your cookie ends up breaking off in your milk and you have to try and fetch it. It's worth every calorie though.
I can't seem to remember to put the laundry in the wash in the dryer. I end up washing the same load multiple times before I can get it right.
Someone somewhere out there has it out for me and my email account. No matter how many times I change the password, it gets hacked at least once a month. These people need to find something else to do with their time like, oh, maybe get a real job.
Ever had a case of the blues and someone gives you the advice of "it could always be worse!" Although in most cases it's true and sometimes it's a healthy sobering reminder, sometimes you just don't want to hear it. God generally does a fabulous job of pointing it out to me all on His own so I really don't need to hear it from anyone else.
I guess I need one of these to relieve some tension. I imagine it would end up getting hurled across the room! Maybe you can relate to some, maybe all of these or maybe I'm strange and on a random tangent but I felt like jotting them down. It made me feel better if nothing else.
Summer is winding down and school is starting soon. I had so many funny Kindergarten stories from Colby last year so I'm excited to see what first grade holds. As long as I don't watch him walk in the door, I should be ok to hold it together this year. Have a great day!!!
I loved this! The "K" situations unnerves me and the laundry situation happens daily. Oh and candy wrappers!!! Kyle says we live with animals, lol!
ReplyDeleteHahaha I could have went and on and on but I started sounding like negative Nancy! After I wrote this, I came home to 4 smarties wrappers, a brownie wrapper, an empty Mountain Dew can and a paper towel. Just hanging out on the floor. Sigh