We went to the beach in September and had a great relaxing time. Colby enjoyed the beach but he LOVED the pool at the condo. For one reason it had a waterpark slide and second there was a large group of 15 year old girls who kept telling him how cute he was.
October my lil man turned 6. We let him invite a few of his friends from church and soccer to kids rule for a jump party. By far the easiest party I have ever done. We basically showed up with a cake and there was nothing to clean or tend to the entire time. We also had Halloween where I surprised Colby with a red power ranger costume. To say the least he was ecstatic. At the end of the month we took him to the fair. Every year he gets braver! He was FINALLY tall enough to ride most of the rides. Jason talked him into getting on the wipeout (an adult ride) and I had to stand there helplessly for what seemed like 30 minutes while my child had a full on panic attack. I found myself screaming to the little carny to turn it off. Granted this is our, I mean Jason's fault for allowing him on it in the first place but it did make for a funny story for later.
November was slam packed with birthday parties ! We were managing two if not three a Saturday. The weather was great though so it gave us something fun to do. Colby has done so well in school. He has So far received all 100's. I am completely amazed each day he comes home. I must admit that I still tear up just about every morning watching him walk into school. Most days I try looking the other way but most of the time I can't help but watch. The First night he read me a book I cried for almost an hour. That kid makes me want to pull out every hair on my head most days but there is more love in my heart for him than stars in the sky. Thanksgiving was fairly quiet but We did get to enjoy eating lunch with him at school. The most memorable moment of November for me was the last breaking Dawn movie came out. My old self with Melanie and Paige in tow camped out For the midnight premiere. What I took away from that experience is I am entirely too old to stay up that late and entirely Too impatient to put up with teenyboppers in glitter ugg boots! I also hit my goal of losing 65 pounds this month. Who knew running was actually enjoyable???
Now Christmas is upon us and hopefully I will do a better job at documenting that (with photos) than I have the last few months. I have learned that life can change in the blink of an eye and a completely new meaning of dont sweat the small stuff. I have learned that I have amazing friends and family and most importantly that my God never ever ever fails. Never. I have been reminded to talk to Him just as much during the good times as the bad, to keep a thankful and humble attitude and to just whisper His name at any given moment for help on times of chaos.
I hope you have a VERY Merry Christmas. Love on your family and count your blessings.
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