First came Christmas with my brother and sister in law. Since they live in Alabama they came up to do Christmas a little early. Colby thinks his uncle Justin is a boxing bag. He wears him out from the time we see him until the moment we leave. This may be why they only visit a few times a year ;-)
He got a new glow in the dark racetrack that we all had fun with.
Flying daddy's new toy...
Then I got to visit with two very special people in my life who I rarely get to see. It was a short visit but always great to catch up.
The next few pics are from Christmas Eve.
At our church candlelight service
I managed to watch it four times this year. I love that Colby loves it just as much as me.
A tablet from my parents. By far the best gift ever! Now I can have my phone back!
A rare family portrait where we are ALL smiling. It must have been a Christmas miracle because Jason's was not even forced or bribed.
My best friend. She will never fully grasp how much she means to me!
Putting out reindeer food....
Putting out Santa some Oreo balls and milk...
Christmas morning was so much fun. He tore into each gift with excitement and an earnest thankful attitude which is rare for Colby.
Finally Santa brought the Wii. We have already logged many hours on the Wii.
You can tell by his eyes he is half asleep.
I instantly regretted this purchase.
He asked Santa for a 32 but Santa left him a note telling him that a 32 was a rather big gun for such a small boy but that this BB gun was just right! He had the best time!
Now the joys of getting my house back in order, taking the tree down and finding room for all of the new stuff we acquired. I hope each of you had a Merry Christmas. I savored every precious minute with my family. You never know when it may be your last!
Looks like a very merry Christmas! A Wii and BB Gun - now THAT looks like fun :)