You knew this was coming right.....I can't tell you how many times I have sat down to write this and just couldn't. When I prayed you into this world, I could have never imagined the relationship that God would bless us with. Not everyone is fortunate to have a sister that is their best friend, but how lucky are we! To say I have struggled with you getting married is a huge understatement. That is in no way a reflection on Ross, I thank God daily for blessing you with such a wonderful guy who I can talk football too, but it's the realization that you are all grown up.
The thing with our age difference is I've been able to watch everything in your life through the eyes of an adult instead of a child. I saw you grow from a baby, to a child, to a teenager and then into an independent young woman. I've watched you grow in beauty and grace. I've watched you go though heartbreak and rise above it. I've watched you grow in your relationship with your Savior. I've watched your passion for people move you. I've watched you take 3 children who lost their precious mother and love them through it. I've watched you tackle a competitive major and come out successful. I've watched you fall in love and find happiness. I've watched you do so many things that make my heart swell with pride, including what I will witness today. Today I will watch you get married. Today I will watch you make a vow before God and all those who love you. Today I will watch you smile and laugh and dance and then leave different than when you came. It gives me such peace to know that I can watch you today and know without hesitation that it was a wonderful decision that God hand crafted into existence. That peace will allow me to weep tears of joy today instead of sadness.
I could give you a book of advice but I will leave you with this one grain of wisdom: Love isn't always a feeling, sometimes Love is a choice. There will be days, contrary to what you feel now, that you will have to choose each day to love Ross. Some days that choice will be easy and other days it will be difficult, but I can promise you that your marriage will always be better for it. Marriage isn't always full of happiness, rainbows and carriage rides into the sunset. Marriage will test every single cell in your body. Marriage is work that is very much worth the extra effort. Always remember to choose love, even when your mind doesn't want too and especially during football season.
Today will pass in a blur. Savor every single second of it. Don't find yourself stressing over little things, everything will come together smoothly. I can't wait to spend every single moment with you today and savoring ever second of it myself. It will be hard to watch you leave tonight. A piece of my heart will be heading to Disney with you. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the two of you and what I get to watch next! I love you more than you love cookie dough.
Your Big Sister
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