I have been thinking a lot lately about things that, at my age, I am having to come to terms with. Most of the time they come to me as I am going to sleep. Some give me a giggle, some are frustrating, and some just don't seem fair but nevertheless Its time to suck it up buttercup because its happening.
1) There are just some apologies that you completely deserve that you will sadly just never get.
I am sure we all owe someone out there one as well, but at some point you just have to realize your not going to get the one due to you. Move on.
2)Wrinkles are signs of laughter, not imperfections.
One of the smells I distinctly remember as a child was my moms Noxzema. I learned at a very early age to take care of my skin and working in the cosmetics industry for 7 years definitely helped. I have never been one to stress over wrinkles but I swear one day I woke up and my eyes had grown whiskers. The way I feel about them now is I have earned each and every one of them. Next will be the random white hairs.
3) It is OK not to be an overachieving mom.
This one sometimes is hard to swallow. I'm your average stressed, tired, doing the best I can mom and I have had to let myself know here recently that its 100% OK. Every year as I see every ones precious elf on the shelf pictures I feel a sting of mommy guilt that I am too cheap to pay $30 for a stuffed elf that I have to move around and clean up after every day. Then I am reminded of my child and realize I'm parenting a professional troublemaker who's favorite movies are home alone and problem child, so an elf spelling his name in marshmallows or wrangling his toy ninja turtles are not going to inspire him to behave. Sometimes it is OK to say no and realize I cant do everything, be everywhere, buy everything or do everything I would love to do as a parent.
4) Siri will never understand my accent. Never.
I really have tried to do better about texting and driving. I use my handy dandy talk text most of the time but have come to the conclusion it doesn't interpret "southern." The words Me and mine always come out "maine."
5) You cant please everyone
Its just not gonna happen. The task is exhausting and I have recently acquired a pretty bad case of the I don't give a rats behind.
6) It is important to be independent
There are things like checking the oil in my car, changing a tire, making sure my safety sticker is current (which I'm completely embarrassed to say how urgently past due it is) and things of that masculine nature that I wish I had paid attention to over the years. I always ask my daddy who to vote for and the only tool I own is a cordless drill I won as a door prize that has never been taken out of the box and was almost re gifted a time or two.
7) Change isn't always bad
Change can be scary but at the same time change can be exciting, liberating and fulfilling!
8) Freedom of speech is a one way street
I'm not gonna ruffle peoples feathers with this one but its sad to me not just as a Christian but as an American that so many men died for my freedoms that are still found punishable by some. Words will always offend but the beauty is we are still at liberty to say them.
9) I will never have curly hair
I tried to make it happen. It just isn't meant to be.
10) It's OK to completely lose it in the bath tub
Some people spread their crazy all throughout the day. I on the other hand tend to bottle mine up and save it for that hour in between Colby going to sleep and me doing the same. I have had many a well deserved emotional breakdown in the bathtub. Once I closed my eyes to relax for "just a minute" and woke up freezing 3 hours later. It's my happy place.
11) Life is not a Cosby Show episode
Name anything you have gone through or experienced before and there was more than likely a Cosby Show episode that correlates. Sometimes when I see things or people are telling me a story my mind immediately goes to "well this one time on the Cosby show..." The ending may not always be the same though, although how fun would life be if it was?!?
12) It is clearly impossible for me to watch what I eat from Halloween to New Years
This doesn't need explaining. It is what it is. I will resolve it in January. Until then, eat up buttercup!
I'd love to hear something you are having to come to terms with as well.
Merry Christmas and much love!
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