Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The story of us...

Growing up as an only child was very lonely. Although I did command the complete attention of both my parents, I longed to have someone to share that attention with. It was the only thing I can recall praying for as a kid. I specified to God that not only did I want a sibling, but I wanted a sister. My mom's years were spent taking care of her mother after my grandfather passed away, and the timing just never seemed right for them to have another child. Once I became a teenager, I believe they just accepted things as they were and were going to choose to be content with just having me. A few months after my grandmother passed away, my mother became very sick. I remember her lying on the couch and napping a lot. One evening my dad asked me to sit down and told me he and my mom had something they needed to tell me. She was actually lying on the couch sick then. I just knew they were going to tell me something horrible was wrong with my mother, and she was dying. First, to break the ice, my dad told me we were moving. I remember throwing a fit and proclaiming I would just live with my mamaw and they could go wherever they saw fit. He then proceeded to tell me he was just joking and that actually I was going to be a big sister and mom's illness was just a case of "all the time" morning sickness. I was completely in shock but so very happy. She was what you would call a "whoopsy daisy," but I knew in my heart that I prayed for this child into the world. It was the first time I saw a prayer answered. She took her precious time getting here, but after my mom walked the entire hospital, ate fish, stood under the moon, and many other "home remedies" took place, she finally came into this world. I proudly wore a button the size of Texas on my shirt that said Big Sister. You cried a lot and spit up like something off of the exorcist, but you were cute as a button.

 Gotta love the perm, straight bangs, braces, and red lipstick. On a side note, Paige, I must really love you to post this picture of us. I gladly took on the new title of built-in babysitter, chaperone, finder of lost things, taxi driver, confidant, and ultimately best friend.

 I wasn't allowed to hold her in town for my mother's grave fear that people would think she was mine and a result of teenage pregnancy. She was all fun and games until she learned one very important word... "Why?"  It came in forms of "Why?" "Why Not?" and my favorite... "But why?" and then the fun was over. She quickly made a new imaginary friend named Joshua, and the rest of us were out of the picture.

 Then the day came when I left home, and she suddenly became the only child. I missed her very much. She would come to stay with us, and Jason would allow her to eat ice cream for breakfast. Soon our age difference suddenly took its toll, and the next few years were different.

Then this little guy entered our life, and everything changed!

You suddenly became the built-in babysitter, the taxi driver, and the finder of lost things. As I watched him grow, I watched you grow as well. Gone were the pigtails and imaginary friends, and overnight you became this beautiful young lady.

Then one day, without ever realizing it happened, our age difference disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, we became best friends.

I went from rocking you to sleep to borrowing your clothes. Our roles were reversed for a while, where you were the big sister and had to take care of me. You are beautiful inside and out. You stand up for what you believe in no matter who it offends. You love the unloved so deeply that it moves you to action. You are a princess, and wear that title proudly. God knew as a child when I prayed you into this world that I would need you one day.

Our story leads up to today. A chapter of your life is closing, and a huge new world awaits for you. As I have to embrace what is and let you go, a part of me feels as though a chapter in my life is closing as well. I pray that you will make lots of memories, make mistakes, learn from those mistakes, and find yourself one day so much stronger from them. Never get discouraged when you mess up. Those times are when you will find out who you are and how to handle trials in the future. There is always a purpose for each and every one of them. I pray you always remember that I am just a phone call away. I hope that you will still make time to have our sister dates. I challenge you to stand out and be different, to carry Jesus with you wherever you go, and allow others to see His love, grace, and mercy through you.  Although it may feel this way right now, I know that we will never grow apart because the story of us is perfect. I love you more than words can express. I am proud of all your accomplishments, and although those are wonderful, I am more proud of the young lady you have become. I look forward to watching you continue to amaze me in the future.

You Big Sister