Saturday, March 17, 2012

Here lately....

I haven't had a post recently with actual pictures so I thought I would document a few things we have done lately. We have had a busy year so far but it has been fun. Most of these are pictures taken with my phone so the quality isn't the best.

I snapped this picture while he was sleeping. He has Cami by the tale and she doesn't even seem to mind. She made herself comfy in the midst of all his stuffed animals.

Colby and I went on a date to Rocket City Diner. He enjoyed it very much.

                             I saw this on pinterest and just had to make it for a friends daughter. I made one for my friend too but she said her daughter stole it for her room too. I love to paint. There is something very calming about it. I may not be good at it but I enjoy it.
                       We had our first soccer game. Poor thing looks like he is wearing a dress. The kids were still figuring things out on the first game but Colby actually scored a goal on his second game. He was so excited.
 He Helped Aunt Paige make brownies. I think he may have tasted and/ or licked the bowl as well.  
                                  One of Jason's best friends got married and Jason had the honor of being the    best man. Apparently instead of a toast they got to sing karaoke.
 This picture gives me a huge case of the giggles. I believe they were singing Simple Man. That is some intense singing right there.....

Me and Melanie enjoyed some kid free time at the wedding!
I wish we would have gotten a better picture together but I think Jason was a little tired of pictures so I just gave up.

I am really enjoying the weather right now. I did miss not having a true winter this year, but I have enjoyed tossing the boots for my flip flops. Although the time change makes it a little harder to get out of the bed in the morning, it has been nice having several hours of daylight in the evenings after work. The weeks leading up to Easter are going to be busy but I can't wait. All Colby has asked for so far is a GIANT chocolate bunny. I think I can swing that. I will leave you with a "Colby funny" from a conversation in the car the other day. We were discussing what we get from different animals. I was a little timid to start this conversation because I was afraid I would turn him into a vegetarian if he realized chicken nuggets actually came from a chicken..... Anyways after learning beef comes from a cow and ham comes from a pig he says "so carrots come from rabbits?"  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

10 Things we all have...

At work today my mind kept wondering too all of the billions of things I could have been doing at home rather than sitting at work. I started to jot down a list of those things and suddenly became aware that most everyone has these things..... or at least I hope you do!

1) A Catch All- Whether it be your bar, dining room table, a desk or a chair we all have that one place where our mail, purse, keys etc end up as soon as we walk in the door. It eventually multiplies to look like it has taken permanent residence up there. Mine unfortunately ends up in both of the dining room and the bar, each having a different culprit. Jason cleans his truck out and the contents go on the table. 4 jackets, 2 helmets, motorcycle gear and countless other JUNK currently reside there.

2) A junk drawer- From coupons to batteries, everyone has that drawer that is too overwhelming to clean. Stuff you cleaned off of your catch all spot end up in here too. Mine is so full it will barely open. Every time I do open it I immediately say "I need to clean that out" and promptly shut it back.

3)A closet that you would die if someone opened- I have 3 of these actually. You cringe as a guest walks in the room where the closet is located and you go full on ninja blocking them from the closet.

4) Stuff under your bed- Ever lose the remote under the bed and go to grab it and find something you have been looking for? Colby found a hat and a motorcycle man he has been missing for over a year the other night under my bed. Mental note to self to work on that...

5) Dirty Clothes on the floor- I own 4 clothes hampers. Only one is being used. Just one. After many come to Jesus meetings about where dirty clothes go I still pick up massive amounts in each room. Sigh....

6) Find something you forgot you had only to lose it again- I will randomly find something and say "hey there you I will know where you are from now on" only to go looking for it a while later and not have a single clue as to where I saw it.

7) 1 pair of pants you refuse to get rid of- Whether it is your skinny jeans or a pair of yoga pants with 20 holes in them, we each have a pair that are unwearable but completely unable to toss.

8) A really bad habit- From biting your nails to smacking, each of us have one we can't seem to quit. For some reason I keep my finger in my eye. It irritates Jason to no end. Jason pops his knuckles and it drives me bonkers. So we are even I guess.

9)At least one regret- People who say they have no regrets in life obviously haven't sat down and thought about it very much. I have plenty of them. I stated in an earlier blog that I regret not spending more time in the kitchen with my mom when I was growing up. If you tell me to boil water now I still have to ask how long...... pitiful.

10) A soap box- I am pretty easy going....things that bother and stress most people just don't seem to phase me. Ive been through so much in my life I think I fully grasp the whole "Don't sweat the small stuff" thing. Jason is now shaking his head calling me a liar.... hunny this doesn't apply to catch all my stress so you don't know the easy going side of me. Anywho I tend to let things roll right off of me and store them away in my "lets just not think about it" file....until someone mentions my soap box topic. From politics to religion, We all have that one thing that sets us off like nothing else. Mine if you must know is car seats. It UNNERVES me to no end to see an infant or child just chillin in a car not in a car seat or buckled up. The drive thru window is in my office and we see more kids out of car seats than in them. We had a lady NURSING a newborn while driving come through one day. Really.... Seriously... PULL OVER! Ok I will step off my soap box now!

I hope most of you can relate to any if not all of these. Hopefully I am not alone. Don't come to my house now and start trying to find my drawer and closet. 2 blogs in one week.....Super Excited.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ok God.... I hear ya!

Have you ever had a moment where God hit you straight between the eyes? If you grew up in church then if I said quote Philippians 4:13 I bet you could do it... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  As I prepared for my training union class at Church tonight I came across a passage of scripture... "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content-whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4: 11-13."  How did I go through life this long and not ever read the 2 scriptures previous to one of  the most quoted scriptures? In that moment I was convicted. To many times we live our life in the "I want"  mindset versus "I am content with what I have." God gives us exactly what we need each day. This is a passage from the book we are studying.. "Your God can be trusted to grant you the supply you need to excel at His purposes. So if you don't have IT-whatever IT is- it's because you don't need IT. You may want IT, but it's not necessary in order to accomplish what He knows is most important for your life today. Otherwise He'd have given IT to you. He loves you too much to "withhold the good from those who live with integrity."  Whatever He has given or not given us is for a specific reason. Whether your want is something physical like a new car or bigger house or new purse....or an emotional want like a relationship, spouse, child....we must remember that we must be content with what we have. My preacher has a saying that goes "If you shine a flashlight in someones eyes, they can't see but if you shine it at their feet, they can see where it is they need to step."  I am not one to blast scripture daily on facebook as my intentions are not to flash it in people's face but this spoke so much to me tonight that I felt compelled to share it with those of you who read my little piece of PEACE I call my blog. May those 3 verses, 2 which were new to me, truly challenge us to find true contentment in this season in our life and not take one second, one thing, or one person He has already given us for granted for looking for things we want. May we seek Gods will daily so that we can see a difference between our wants and our needs. Have a wonderful week!